Friday, August 14, 2009

USA_ _arguably costume, not just this competition!

Miss Universe 2009 delegates visited the country second largest city of the 'island of Grand Bahama on Sunday for the long-awaited presentation bathroom. It is important to note that this is not a competition, but even more, a fashion show of nature, with participants in a swimsuit. The ladies were at the international airport in Grand Bahama with a real first brass band serenaded by a choir of young people of Grand Bahama, where they went in the terminal. Accompanied by two drums of goatskin, the choir sang "Welcome to Grand Bahama ... we are so happy that you are coming before the fall into a medley of the Caribbean and the Bahamas Ring play songs. The women danced, as they sip on board the coconut water from coconut, not, or if you want the terminal when it is said, it was time to go.
Unable to perform Translation:invalid textUnable to perform Translation:invalid textThere was a delicious breakfast at the Yacht Club of Grand Bahama, before visiting the garden of the Groves - an area of 12 hectares of botanical garden, orchids, ferns, duck ponds and waterfalls - for a photo with PO Dayan Mendoza Miss Universe and the establishment, under the management and staff. Dayan has remained for the garden, while the participants at the head of Our Lucaya Beach Resort in preparation for the event bathroom. The place was incredible! A giant tent was the Great Lawn of the hotel with sea view. Piece of cloth decorated in light colors, while the ceiling of 100 seats in the audience was essentially objects with color. Although the event is not up to 5 hours, the arrival of people have begun as early as 3! Over time, that was ready to begin, the position of the capacity was filled with Pageant Fans in several countries like the Philippines (there are around 50 Filipinos in the audience), the Turks and Caicos Islands (ci Turks are many islanders who live in Grand Bahama), Guyana, China, the United States and, of course, the Bahamas.
Unable to perform Translation:invalid textIn his welcome remarks, Paula Shugart said that the Bahamas, while it is still the smallest host Miss Universe, the reconstruction of the event held on this day has ever known in 10 years, is already on the organization Miss Universe. 'It is better not only in the Bahamas, "he says," but you know, like the Bahamas.
Unable to perform Translation:invalid textThe participants were in groups of 12 and has a wide choice of costumes from Thailand BSC overalls, shoes Nina. I can tell you that it will be a hell of a competition on institutions, on the track! It 'very difficult for the jury for a job most of the participants this year, because both of them are in better shape, both as regards the condition of the structures and their ability to bridge. The delegates, that my eyes were:
Unable to perform Translation:invalid textUnable to perform Translation:invalid textAngola - great body, strong bridge
Australia - fantastic body, beautiful face, a good bridge
Bahamas - the hometown boys a thunderous round of applause for their strong bridge
Brazil - beautiful face, great body
Canada - amazing body! Not an ounce of fat anywhere!
Cayman Islands - great body, strong bridge
Colombia - great body, sexy catwalk
Czech Republic - very good body and face, that oh!
Dominican Republic - great body, excellent gateway
France - good body, very sexy and track
United Kingdom - Burden of personality, a good place
Honduras - great body, big parades, beautiful face
Hungary - beautiful face, great body, but the work must be on the podium
Iceland - very good body, big parades Jamaica - beautiful face, beautiful body
Japan - great body, strong bridge
Mexico - good body, great personality, a good bridge
Netherlands - very good body!
Nicaragua - great body, fun to see on stage
Norway - amazing body!
Puerto Rico - fabulous body, great capacity for parades
Russia - great body, amazing face, very sexy catwalk
Slovak Republic - good body, a good bridge
South Africa - great body, legs for days!
Spain - a great place
Sweden - fantastic body, pretty face, port capacity could be more
The United States - great body, probably the best in the bathroom in this contest!
Venezuela - great body, classic beauty
Unable to perform Translation:invalid textUnable to perform Translation:invalid textThe presentation of the bath, the participants ate dinner before a return flight to Nassau. Here's an interesting anecdote. The long day of competition does not seem to relate to the participants, because they have a secret weapon - Red Bull! The Ministry of Tourism has arranged for refreshments for the girls at every stop, and the Red Bull is often made in haste. It also seems that the girls to drink more water to stay hydrated in the heat of summer.
Unable to perform Translation:invalid textUnable to perform Translation:invalid textMonday, competition begins on the first event given. The costume contest is in response to a float-parade through the streets of Nassau. There are no Miss Trinidad & Tobago. MUO director of talent relations and PR Esther Swann confirmed that only 84 participants this year on reconstruction and there is Miss Trinidad and Tobago. When asked about the reports, as a delegate from Trinidad, said he would check, but as we know, there has never been a Miss T & T. I apologize for this round of reporting.

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